"Snowstake Run" Pictures

Fueling up before the trip at the station's hi-tech gas station.

Dar tying the sled with the poles to the snowmobile.

And we're off to nowhere!

Measuring the stakes.

Some of the identification markings on the stakes had faded and had to be rewritten.

A panoramic view of the horizon at the end of the line.

The end of the line. It may as well be the end of the world.


The last snowstake.

Me at the last flag.

Dar and me.

Time for some hot chocolate!


Stephanie (and I, of course) took some time to take pictures.

Yep, that's me. The wind-chill when the snowmobile is flying at 30 m.p.h. can be -80 or colder!

Back in town.

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